Jerry Yan was reported ill due to gastroenteritis

It was reported that the singer / actor Taiwan is currently not in good health lately, often look pale and limp in his appearance in public. The 33-year-old star also said to be in a weak condition and become vulnerable to the flu.

Speculation is growing that Jerry Yan might suffer from a strange disease, which causes the thin man was losing weight. Although requested by the fans, but Jerry still refuses to undergo any form of intrusive medical examinations, and finally relented after much forced by his close friend who was a doctor, Hou Wenyong.

"I arranged for a check-up Jerry. He's a grown man and must perform a full body examination once every year," said Hou. He added that Jerry disease mainly because of pressure from work, and will develop into stomach ulcers if more severe.

1 komentar:

Precious87 said...

oh,,please Jerry ,take care of yourself,but I know you;re doing fine now..I love You!!!

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