STEP UP 3D : Movie,Review,and Trailer

Date Released : 6 August 2010
Quality : TS
Info :
Starring : Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani, Sharni Vinson
Genre : Drama | Music | Romance
Review : Everyone is entitled to have the opportunity achieve goals and dreams, unfortunately some people only get one chance it was beautiful once. Such is the phenomenon facing TylerGage (Channing Tatum), the young rebel, stubborn, wild, and likes it that I spent more time on the streets of Baltimore.

Like most young men his age, which tends to emphasize the ego and idealism, Tyler more through life between his dreams and ambitions that have not materialized achieve that dream. One day Tyler along with his two friends Mac (Damaine Radcliff) and Skinny (De'Shawn Washington) makes making a scene at a party that was held Maryland School of Arts, prestigious art school that the majority of pupils come from the children of the rich. Aftermath hullabaloo makes Tyler shall undergo the punishment of 200 hours at the Maryland School of the Arts.

For Tyler, who is often involved various problems, punishment cleaning windows, sweeping, mopping and clean-up activity is not a serious problem. Tyler felt the punishment should enjoy lived, given lighter punishment than the punishment that never happened, like when he stole the car with my two knowed his friend, When performing the ritual cleaning, Tyler meets Nora (Jenna Dewan), a senior disciple of Maryland School, in a dance class. An unwitting encounter Tyler will be opening the way his dreams. The opportunity came when Nora was hit by confusion choreographed recital exams to prepare for a scholarship. Nora needs a partner who could really impressed with him appearing before the examiner, love dreams foundered after his partner Andrew (Tim Lacatena) was forced to resign because of an ankle injury.


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